Information Links
Green Links for Saline Residents
Green Links for Saline Residents
- Saline Environmental Commission - SalineBeGreen
- Local Green Information -
- A2 - learn how to decrease your carbon footprint
- EWashtenaw Recycling - handling toxic and solid wastes
- Trash into Treasure - where to recycle almost everything
- Waste Knot Program - Green companies and Contractors
- Michigan Green Schools Project
- Green Gardening Supplies near Saline
- Clean Energy Coalition
- Mobility - transportation information
- Communities - cities and how they can improve
- Structures - buildings that are built green
- Detroit Edison - Renewable Energy Programs
- Green Currents - support green energy programs
- Solar Currents Program - solar energy generation program
- Bio Green Gas Program - extracting methane from landfills
- Medical
- Red Medicine Box Program - Safe disposal of expired medicines
- EPA Needle Handout- Community options for safe needle disposal
- EPA Home Needle Handout- Safe options for home needle Disposal
- Transportation - Low Carbon Alternate Fuel Programs
- Michigan Electric Auto Association - support electric vehicles in Michigan
- Plug-in Michigan - clearing house for information on plug in vehicles in Michigan
- Edison Plug-in Electric Vehicles - learn about plug-in vehicles and equipment
- Alternative Fuel Data Center - government information on alternative fuel options
- Plug-in America - information on all kinds of electric vehicles
- Water Quality
- 7 Simple Steps to Clean Water - Simple things residents can do to clean up our water
- Washtenaw County Water Quality Programs
- River Raisin Watershed Council - The River Raisin Watershed Council is a nonprofit membership organization with a growing constituency of individuals, businesses, municipalities and community groups seeking to protect the natural resources of the watershed
- Rain Gardens in Washtenaw - Information on local rain gardens, how to build them and where to see them.
For more information on Saline, Michigan.
Saline City Offices 100 N Harris St
Saline, MI 48176
Phone: 734-429-4907
To send a message regarding this web site: Send Email